We are With.

People with disabilities need access to a biblical community, and simply saying that “everyone is welcome” or having a siloed place for people with disabilities isn’t enough.

The body of Christ needs believers of all abilities—after all, “God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other.” (1 Cor 12:24-25)

With Ministries relies on research to inform ministry.

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Altman, B. M., & Blackwell, D. L. (2014). Disability in U.S. households, 2000–2010: Findings from the National Health Interview Survey. Family Relations 63(1), 20-38: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/fare.12044

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CDC’s Work on Developmental Disabilities: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/developmentaldisabilities/about.html

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Ault, M.J., Collins, B.C., & Carter, E.W. (2013). Congregational participation and supports for children and adults with disabilities: Parent perceptions. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 51, 48-61.: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23360408/
“To create lasting change and inclusive communities, your church leadership should be supportive, aware, and involved in the process of creating belonging for people with disabilities. The ultimate hope is that your church would faithfully welcome and embrace people of all abilities into the life of the church and ideally, that would begin with church leadership.”
Rebecca Wall
Director, With Ministries

Friendship Groups

Mutual and Meaningful Biblical Friendships

Friendship Groups provide a context where friends can grow spiritually and where meaningful relationships are formed. These relationships help foster full inclusion in the life of the church– on Sunday mornings and beyond.

Want to launch a Friendship Group in your community? We are ready to equip you with resources and training to help get you started!


A comprehensive curriculum proven to transform churches

Through short videos, discussion questions, and interactive exercises, your church can begin to create communities where those with and without disabilities can truly be with each other.


The best place for your church to start

As you champion belonging for people of all abilities in your congregation, we want to equip you. You get access to With’s staff, resources, training, and a community of other congregations seeking to include disability. We are here to help!

For only $15/mo, you get access to With’s…

  • Top 10 resources
  • Monthly Equipping resources and opportunities
  • Webinar recordings
  • Bi-monthly With Community Calls with our staff and leading experts


your church to reflect the fullness of Christ.

Is your church seeking to reflect the complete body of Christ, not lacking anything? Our staff would love to spend 12 months coaching you toward congregational transformation where everyone in your community flourishes in their relationships with each other and their Savior.

Create Belonging

Resources & Materials

Our books offer practical strategies and thoughtfully tailored materials to enhance belonging and engagement for all members of the body of Christ in your congregation.

Want With At Your Event?

Interested in having a With Ministries staff member speak at your church or conference, or host a training session with your staff?

We’re on a mission to create belonging in Christ-centered congregations

Friendship groups* started across North America

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Friendship groups are gatherings of adults with and without disabilities who desire to build peer relationships while deepening their relationship with God alongside one another in biblical community.
10,000 +
People with and without disability engaging in biblical community
Amistad groups*

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Spanish-language Friendship groups in 21 Latin American countries
8,000 +
Latinos with and without disability engaging in biblical community
50 +
Church partners
150 +
Churches equipped
10,000 +
church leaders taught inclusive best practices
450 +
ministries using our TOGETHER curriculum
40 +
Years in ministry

What if I’m not a pastor?

If you aren’t in a leadership role or aren’t even on staff at your church, it can seem daunting to bring this issue to the leadership in a way that leads to real change. Pastors probably agree that disability inclusion is biblical, but they do not know where to start. Yet. 

We can supply you with conversation starters, eye-opening resources, and engaging materials suitable for sharing with your pastor over coffee, presenting at a board meeting, or on Disability Awareness Sunday.

There’s so much more.

Each month, our team sends a monthly Equip newsletter with training opportunities, biblical resources, and practical ideas to engage all people in your congregation. Sign up to get Equip in your inbox!