A Place at the Manger: A Reflection on Worship, Belonging, and the Beauty of Inclusion
When I think about the heart of With Ministries, one word rises to the surface: belonging. Our mission is to create churches where everyone—regardless of ability—has a place to worship Jesus together. This idea is at the core of a new piece of art we’ve created called “A Place at the Manger.”
At first glance, it looks like a traditional nativity scene—the wise men kneeling before baby Jesus in awe and worship. But there’s one small, yet significant, difference. One of the wise men is depicted in a wheelchair.
The inspiration for this image came as I reflected on the nativity as one of the very first worship gatherings for Christ. I began to imagine—what if one of the first people to trek that long journey to worship Him was disabled? It’s not a stretch when you consider how many people with disabilities are present throughout Scripture. The Gospels are filled with stories of people longing for the chance to be near Jesus, to worship at His feet, to be seen and known by Him. Why not at the manger too?
It’s a powerful image to consider this Christmas. A scene that’s familiar to so many of us suddenly carries new depth, compassion, and truth. It reminds us that worship is not reserved for a select few. It’s not only for the able-bodied, the strong, or the elite. Worship is for all of us.
This is the vision of With Ministries: a church where every person has a place at the feet of Jesus. Just as He welcomed the shepherds, the wise men, and even those on the margins of society, we are called to do the same. Every person—no matter one’s abilities—belongs in the story of Jesus.
This Christmas, we invite you allow a reimagined depiction of a beloved story to make you pause. Maybe you also ask… What would it look like for your church, your community, or your heart to create space for everyone to worship together? The journey may be long, but as the wise men showed us, it’s one worth taking.
Come, let us (all) adore Him.
Sydney Cornelius
Creative Director for the @TeamZoeComm on behalf of With Ministries